2019 Lab Research Achievements
Three students successfully defended their MASc theses. There have been ups and downs but we learned from each other, we were resilient and we persevered.
Nine students convocated.
Two papers accepted in reputable journals such as ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology and International Journal of Green Energy and one under review in the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
Open house – educated prospective students and their families on intelligent fuels and energy.
The I-FuELs website started construction.
The Logo for the website was created.
Invited talks at Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy (WISE) and CUTRIC.
Conference presentations at Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers in London, Ontario.
Capstone group received Windsor Mould scholarship.
I-FuELs was featured in the Windsor Engineering magazine.
Successful Mitacs application for MASc student to travel to Italy for their studies.
Last but not least, we moved to a permanent space for our research.